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Description is a self-hosted WordPress blog launched in 20132013. thatIt appealsoften has a tech focus and is written to birdwatchers,be bothaccessible to new and seasoned.seasoned birders alike.


becausebirds.comBecause Birds has been a passion project of mine since 2013. Because BirdsIt began as a Tumblr blog in March 2013. After finding a humor niche and growing a large audience there, I yearned for more. I wanted my own place to write, be creative, and sharpen my technical skills. Christmas of that year, my previous companion gifted me a WordPress blog that he set up, which would get me started with formal blogging. I transferred my domain to the new WordPress and got to work.


Since launch, Because Birds has grown and evolved as I've gotten deeper into my birdwatching hobby. I write about my birding experiences & trips, reviews, guides, and anything else that sparks my curiosity. Whatever I'm feeling inspired by at the moment is a candidate for a new blog entry.




The oftenblog has abeen techmonetized focusin various ways throughout the years, with the goal of at least covering the costs of operations and isongoing writtenmaintenance. 

Display ads

Initially, Google AdSense display ads were shown throughout the site. The traffic was fairly minimal at the time, and these ads brought in pennies at the expense of the website loading slower and looking spammy. Display ads were quickly removed after a few months to improve the visitor experience. To be accessiblehonest, even with the traffic I get today, ads would still not be worth the compromise to newthe andviewership.

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Technical details

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